Heavy Civil Construction
New Power Plant Sitework
Saiia Construction contracted with the utility’s EPC contractor to perform the civil sitework package for a new combined cycle power plant. The new plant will replace coal units that have been retired. Saiia performed mass excavation of earth and rock, installed thousands of feet of large-diameter storm pipe, constructed over 25 acres of contractor parking and laydown areas, and constructed permanent and temporary detention ponds.
Coal Combustion Residuals Management
Ash Pond Closure
Saiia contracted directly with the utility company to close a 70+ acre ash impoundment. The scope of work included dewatering, dry-ash stacking, mixing wet and dry ash, dust control, water treatment, closure turf system installation, and storm drainage piping. Saiia excavated and relocated more than 600,000 cubic yards of ash to successfully complete the project.
Mineral and Aggregate Mining
Overburden Removal
Saiia Construction contracted with one of the nation’s largest aggregate producers to excavate, load and haul over 500,000 cubic yards of overburden material. Subcontracting this work to Saiia allowed the client to utilize their fleet and manpower resources to mine and process the underlying mineral deposits. Saiia’s Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)-trained workforce delivered the project safely and ahead of schedule.
Industrial Services
Sitework Package Pulp & Paper
While performing civil maintenance services for the client, Saiia was awarded a civil package in support of a large capital project. The scope of work included demolition of existing structures and utilities, road construction and storm drainage installation. It also included construction of a laydown area, and contractor parking using aggregate surfacing over geotextile fabric. As part of the package, Saiia prepared the building pad and supported the drilling and installation of more than 2,500 micro piles. Saiia operators worked in extremely difficult conditions to excavate and backfill for the forming and pouring of the pile caps.
Coal Combustion Residuals Management
Ash Pond Closure by Removal
Saiia contracted directly with a utility to dewater, excavate, moisture condition, load, haul, place, compact, and cover more than 750,000 cubic yards of material. The 25-acre impoundment was excavated to depths of approximately 40 feet. Once the area was completely free of CCR, a final earthen cover system was installed and the area hydroseeded and mulched.
Coal Combustion Residuals Management
CCB Landfill Cell Construction
Saiia Construction was awarded the project by the utility company to construct two coal combustion byproduct landfill cells. The total footprint of the site was approximately 80 acres. The scope of work included the mass excavation of over 800,000 cubic yards of material, import and placement of 65,000 cubic yards of clay liner, installation of more than 2 million square feet each of GCL, 60-mil HDPE liner, and GDN, installation of 60,000 tons of the sand drainage layer, 95,000 tons of stone drainage cover, and over 5,000 cubic yards of rock bolster. Saiia forces completed the project ahead of schedule with zero safety incidents.