Services Include:
- Comprehensive Review and Budgeting Services
- Ash Pond Assessments and Construction Strategy
- Complete Ash Pond Cleanout and Closure Services
- Wet Ash Handling and Conditioning
- Excavating, Loading, Hauling, and Placement of CCR
- Water Management
- Dewatering
- Water Treatment System Support
- Dredging Support
- Onsite and Offsite Hauling
- Final Grading and Management of Subcontract Liner System Installation
Featured Project
Ash Pond Closure by Removal
Saiia contracted directly with a utility to dewater, excavate, moisture condition, load, haul, place, compact, and cover more than 750,000 cubic yards of material. The 25-acre impoundment was excavated to depths of approximately 40 feet. Once the area was completely free of CCR, a final earthen cover system was installed and the area hydroseeded and mulched.
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